PAST EVENTS 12.01.2020 WORKSHOP: MINDFUL PAINTING WORKSHOPMarisa BurnNovember 5, 2019Kathrin Eckhardt Studio think out of the box, creative thinking, cretaivity training
PAST EVENTS 14.01.2020 WORKSHOP: MASTERMIND MEETING WORKSHOPMarisa BurnNovember 3, 2019think out of the box, creative thinking, cretaivity training
PAST EVENTS 17.01.2020 WORKSHOP: SEARCHING INSPIRATION & FINDING IDEAS WORKSHOPMarisa BurnOctober 29, 2019think out of the box, creative thinking, cretaivity training
PAst Events 23.01.2020 WORKSHOP: CREATIVE THINKING WORKSHOPMarisa BurnOctober 24, 2019think out of the box, creative thinking, cretaivity training