PAST EVENTS 18.01.2020 CREATIVE COMMUNITY THINK TANK: CREATION OF A NEW WORLD CREATIVE COMMUNITYMarisa BurnOctober 28, 2019comuunity, think tank, creative think tank, building the future
Past Events 22.01.2020 CREATIVE COMMUNITY: LADIES WINE & DESIGN ZU GAST IM ROOM OF CHANGE 2020 CREATIVE COMMUNITYMarisa BurnOctober 25, 2019talk, ladies wine and design, simone züger, julia marti
Past Events 24.01.2019 CREATIVE COMMUNITY THINK TANK: CREATION OF A NEW WORLD CREATIVE COMMUNITYMarisa BurnOctober 23, 2019comuunity, think tank, creative think tank, building the future